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Tracy Lynn Savko

Heaven’s Tiny Angels

Tracy Lynn Savko, from Pittsburg, in the United States, is the professional reborn artist behind Heavens Tiny Angels. She has been creating reborn dolls for over 12 years and her babies have crossed many borders, being adopted all over the world, in countries such as the USA, UK, France, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. 

Tracy started showing a great passion for art since her childhood. She tried many handcrafted arts when she was a child, starting by drawing, sewing and crocheting.  In middle school, her passion for drawing became intense.  and she won a few state-wide competitions, which took her to  start drawing portraits in high school. 

However, it was not until she discovered reborning, that she found the art form that totally won her heart. Tracy Lynn Savko turned this art into an essential part of her life. For Tracy, nothing is comparable to the joy she feels when she spends time working on her babies, whether it’s painting, rooting or assembling. She claims that reborning brings back lovely childhood memories,  giving her a most wanted inner peace that is indescribable, letting her live the present moment very intensely.  

For Tracy Lynn Savko, her passion and love for reborning grows even stronger with each baby she creates. Her reborn babies are always transformed from a blank vinyl kit into amazing high-quality lifelike dolls, are crafted paying  full attention to detail, carefully considering the materials that are chosen and  applying throughout the reborning process the most meticulous techniques.

Tracy is well known for always using top quality materials and continuously improving her reborning techniques. For example, in order to obtain a highly realistic skin tone, she has come up over the years with her own technique of using different sponges for different layers. Normally, for her, achieving lifelike skin requires over 15 layers of very translucent paint of multiple colours. Tracy also pays strict attention to other tiny but important details, such as highlighting the creases and wrinkles, veining, lips, blushing, nails, storkbites, eyebrows and capillaries. All of these elements not only breathe life to the dolls, but also make her pieces have a unique look and become true works of art. 

She uses the same precision when rooting hair, having a several-steps process. She starts by outlining the hairline, rooting, 1 to 2 hairs at a time, from the cut side of the mohair with a 46 gauge needle. She always roots in the direction pattern, in order to give the doll the most realistic newborn hair. Once hair is completely rooted, she seals the inside of the head and gives its first haircut, focusing then on  rooting and applying eyelashes. 

Besides her reborning dolls, she accepts custom orders, especially focusing on memorial dolls. Her memorial work holds a very special place in her heart that she feels blessed and honoured to be able to offer even just a little comfort and peace to the families that had to say goodbye too soon to their sweet angels. She has put her heart and soul in creating that perfect memory. Each of her angels is infused with unconditional love, passion and healing energy, so that each person who holds these amazing creations are able to feel the love and energetic healing they need at that time.

Tracy Lynn Savko reborn boy sleeping
Tracy Lynn Savko reborn girl awake
Tracy Lynn Savko reborn baby in blue pijama
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