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Your reborn stories

A reborn baby is not a toy. It is a piece of art and, in many cases, a doll that serves a very important purpose for the person that owns it.

It does not matter how weird it can seem to those who are outsiders to this hobby and art, but, for many people, reborn dolls are much more than simple collector’s items.

Users and collectors of reborn babies differ in age, race, religion, origins, education, socio-economic background, nationality and motivations. However, all of them share a similarity: collecting and caring for a reborn doll makes them feel better, makes them happier.

In this section “Your Reborn Stories”, we invite you to share with us, the reborning community and the rest of the world, your very close and personal experience with your beloved reborns.

Please, feel free to talk about anything you feel like. We provide you below with some suggestions, but they are only meant to guide you and you are welcome to write about anything that you consider important for people to know.

  • Why did you start collecting reborn babies?
  • Which one is your personal view on reborn dolls?
  • Which ones were your doubts and concerns?
  • How reborn babies have improved your life?
  • What are the happiest memories you had with your reborn?

Many thanks for your contribution. We are privileged to read you 🙂

Click on the title of this forum to see all the entries, reply to the contributors and post your own story.

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This is the list of the 5 more recent topics. Click on any of them to read their experiences and reply to the author.

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